Engleza, întrebare adresată de Anastasia714, 8 ani în urmă



Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dariamiruna41


Buna <3

2. In case

3. If

4. If

5. In Case

6. In Case

7. In case

8. If


Sper că te-am ajutat!!

Spor la teme!!

Răspuns de penpenhack


2. We should make some extra food in case he changes his mind.

3. I'm not making him dinner if he wont help me with the washing up.

4. We dont buy travel insurance if we aren't going abroad.

5. We always buy travel insurance in case we have an accident.

6. I ring my brother if the car breaks down.

7. Take a mobile with you in case the car breaks down.

8. Read the instructions first if you dont want to break it.

Spor!! ♡

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