Engleza, întrebare adresată de dianapricop39, 8 ani în urmă

010. Our headmaster rarely a class. He a lot of administrative work to do. (TEACH, HAVE) 11. As the private secretary of the boss! up to a hundred emails every day. (READ) 12. Look at her! - She in a non-smoking area. (SMOKE) 13. to a tennis club? (YOU BELONG) 14. Dana reading a good novel (LOVE). 15.Songs that are not very popular very well. (NOT SELL) 16. My brother isn't here. He Spain at the moment. (TOUR) 17. Tom always the strangest questions in class. (ASK) 18.1 lottery tickets every week, but I (BUY, NEVER WIN) 19. You can't disturb them. They a game of cards. (PLAY) mo anything you to 20. Can't you see that I on my thesis? - 1 disturb me. (WORK, NOT WANT) 21. Our children going skiing with us. (ENJOY) 22. The plane the runway now. You are too late. (LEAVE) 23.1 websites for a living. What 24. She of leaving home and going to Australia for a year. (THINK) 25. I told you that I player. (NOT WORK) ? (CREATE, YOU DO) with you any more. You're simply not a team english-practice.​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de stefistefan75
10. teaches,has
11. read
12. is smoking
13. do you belong
14. loves
15. are not selling
16. is having a tour in
17. asks
18. buy, never win
19. are playing
20. am working, don't want
21. enjoy
22. is leaving
23. create, are you doing
24. is thinking
25. am not working
Răspuns de calutsatou
Salut! :D
1. Teaches, has
2. Read
3. Is smoking
4. Do you belong
5. Loves
6. Don’t sell
7. Is having a tour in
8. Asks
9. Buy, never win
10. Are playing
11. ‘m working, dont want
12. Enjoy
13. Leaves
14. Create, do you do
15. Is thinking
16. ‘m not working

Uite, sper sa te ajute ce îți zic eu acum!
Pentru exemplu, hai sa folosim verbul play :)

I play (dacă e I lângă verb atunci verbul rămâne neschimbat)
You play ( la fel ca la I)
She/he/it plays (mereu vei Adauga s sau es când vezi she he sau it)
We play ( nu mai adăugăm es fiindca nu se adauga la plural)
They play ( același motiv)
You play ( tot același motiv :) )

Sper ca acum ai inteles acest exercitiu !!
Spor la teme ! ^^

dianapricop39: Mulțumesc! ❤️
calutsatou: N-ai pentru ce, eu sunt a 7-a dacă mai ai vreun exercitiu pe care nu știi sa l rezolvi te pot ajuta
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