Engleza, întrebare adresată de iordachemihaieduard, 7 ani în urmă

1.1 Read the following text and fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms.
The critics 1.............(greet) with enthusiasm 'Turning Point', Marvin Morton's new play. They 2.............(regard) it as his most mature work. While he 3............ (study) people's behaviour, he decided to write a play about it. On the opening night the audience 4...............(call) Morton onto the stage and 5.................(applaud) him loudly. They 6...................(stage) the play at the Apollo Theatre these days, where they expect thousands of people to see it, as they 7..............(wait) for so long to buy a ticket. Film companies 8.................... (ask) Morton recently to write a script for film based on the play. We do not know yet whether Morton 9......... ......(seriously/ consider) the proposal. All in all, we doubt Morton 10.com ....(accept) it.​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Lenneeeeer


1) greeted

2) regarded

3) studied

4) called

5) applauded

6) staged

7) waited

8) asked

9) seriously considered

10) accepted


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