Replace each word in bold with a
subject or object pronoun as in the
Emily likes cream cakes. ...She likes them....
John is afraid of mice.
3 Caroline is coming with Bill and me.
4 This present is for my father.
5 My brother is talking to those people.
6 My sister and I live near you and Tom.
7 Those flowers belong to Helen.
8 Is this book for you and Matthew?
Răspunsuri la întrebare
1. Emily likes cream cakes. She likes them.
2. John is afraid of mice. He is afraid of them.
3. Caroline is coming with Bill and me. She is coming with us.
4. This present is for my father. It is for him.
5. My brother is talking to those people. He is talking with them.
6. My sister and I live near you and Tom. We live near you.
7. Those flowers belong to Helen. They belong to her.
8. Is this book for you and Matthew? Is it for you?
1. Emiliei îi plac prăjiturile cu cremă. Ei îi plac ele.
2. John se teme de șoareci. Lui îi este frică de ei.
3. Caroline vine cu Bill și cu mine. Ea vine cu noi.
4. Acest cadou este pentru tatăl meu. Este pentru el.
5. Fratele meu vorbește cu acei oameni. El vorbește cu ei.
6. Eu și sora mea locuim lângă tinei și Tom. Noi locuim lângă voi.
7. Aceste flori sunt ale Elenei. Ele sunt ale ei.
8. Este această carte pentru tine și Matei? Aceasta este pentru voi?