Engleza, întrebare adresată de bobocderata, 9 ani în urmă

1. a)Use the verbs in parentheses in the present continous affirmative , interrogative or negative . Pay attention to the place of the verbs .
1.Dorothy permanently ..................... about her low salary ( complain )
2.She ................ changing her job ? ( consider )
3.Henry always prepares for his classes but now de .................. driving lesson and I'm afraid he .................. Maths . (take , neglect )
4.Melinda ............... her house painted this week . (have)
5. I think she ................ to the teatre tonight . ( not come )
6. I've told you ! I .............. tomorow . I've already told Grannny and I ................. the ticket first thing in the morning . ( not leave , sell )
7. You ............... ? Sorry , I didn't mean to interrupt you .(read )
8. He out .................... at the moment , but he'll be back in a few minutes . (jog)
9. This year at 11 graders ................. a course in journalism with an American teacher .( take )
10 .The Dean ............ a group from the ministry to come and visit the place next week . (expect)
11. Mother always ............ me what to do , how to dress , where to go and where not to . As if I were a baby . (tell)
12. The professor usually works late but tonight he and his wife .............. their wedding anniversary . ( celebrate )

b) Match each sentence to one of the situations on the right .

a)an activity in progress at the moment of speech : ________
b) an activity that extends over a longer period of time , including the moment of speech but does not necessarily take place at the moment of speech : _______
c) a temporary activity , use with an abverbial of time , compared to a habitual one :________
d) dissaproval or irritation of the speaker : _______
e) a future action planed in the present and which is considered certain to happend : _________

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Mih2007
1. Dorothy permanently is complaining. ...
2. Is she considering. ..?
3. he is taking driving lessons, ....he is neglecting Maths.
4. Melinda is having. ...
5. she isn't coming to the. ....
6. I m not leaving tomorrow. I ve already told Granny and I am selling. ...
7. Are you reading?
8. he is jogging. ...
9. . . . . I m taking a course. ..
10. ..is expecting. ..
11. Mother is always telling. ..
12. . . . . . are celebrating their. ..
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