Engleza, întrebare adresată de sanduiovu55, 8 ani în urmă

1. Arrange the words to form sentences.
1. said, the day, Jack, after tomorrow, would, he, boots, his, repair.
2. will, The, window, be, tomorrow, for, old, changed, one, new, a.
3. straight, not, is, sister's, my, nose.
4. Nick, yesterday, down, and, fell, bruised, knee, his.
5. your, does, use, father, when, shaving, shaving-brush?​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de lorennahrituc

Am avut greseli multe si decat sa fac ceva gresit am sters tot

sanduiovu55: noapte buna
ary40: dar nu ne certam!! fiecare vorbea despre altceva
ary40: XR
ary40: XD*
lorennahrituc: da:))
lorennahrituc: scuze
ary40: noapte buna și succes
ary40: nu-i nimic, ni se întâmplă tuturor :)))
sanduiovu55: succese
sanduiovu55: nb
Răspuns de patri0801
1. Jack said he would repair his boots the day after tomorrow.
2.The old window will be changed tomorrow for a new one.
3.My sister's nose is not straight
4.Nick fell down yesterday and bruised his knee.
5.Does your father use shaving-brush when shaving?
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