Engleza, întrebare adresată de MimiDraguta455, 9 ani în urmă

1.Can you answer these silly queations?
*Where is the Tower of London?
*Where is the New York Plice Station?
*Where Cluj Raylway Station/
*Where is Bucharest History Museum?
*Where is London Bridge?

Va rog,REPDE!
Dau 10 puncte+multumesc+coronita.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de DenisBanu
Where is the Tower of London ? : The Tower of London is in London 
Where is the New York Police Station ? The New York Police Station is in New York
Where is the Cluj Raylway Station ? The Cluj Raylway station is in Cluj
Where is Bucharest History Museum ? The bucharest history museum is in bucharest
Where is london bridge ? The london bridge is in london 

iioana86: Where is the Tower of London ? : The Tower of London is in London
Where is the New York Police Station ? The New York Police Station is in New York
Where is the Cluj Raylway Station ? The Cluj Raylway station is in Cluj
Where is Bucharest History Museum ? The bucharest history museum is in bucharest
Where is london bridge ? The london bridge is in london
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