Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

1. Choose the best alternatirves in the following sentences.
1. This jachet was a – – – – – bargain. It was reduced
from £ 100 to £25.
A big B real c. important D. complete.
2. I didn't have much cash so I decided to pay - - - -
in B. on c. mith b. by.
3. There was a really –––– queue outside the einema,
- large B. long c. mide do broad.
4. I always want to buy my clothes - - .- the sales
A on B. with c. to
D. in.
5. We try to budget ---- all the unexpected expenses that
can come up,
A with 3 for c. to. D. an.
6. I got a big discount _ - - - this table because it had to
a scratch on A.
A with s. for c. to.
s. on.
e ashood them but they wouldn't – – – – – – me a resund!
A. give 3. do c. makne s. have a
it back
2. This OUD player doesn't mark. We'll have to
to the Shop
A return B. bring c. have s. tame
g. Do you have these trousers – – – – – grey?
A in
B. on

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de alinagota


1. Big






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