Engleza, întrebare adresată de cotirlancatalin, 8 ani în urmă

1.Completati dialogul..
A:Look!There's Jane and Carol.
B:.........in your English class?
B:Who, .......that?
A: That's Mrs.Kingston........ a teacher.
2.A: Who's that?
B: That's Paula. .........new here.
A: .......you and Paula friends?
B: Well, yes but ........best friends.
3.A:Hello my name is Tina.
B: Hi ........Ana.Nice to meet you.
A: Ana? Is that from Isabel?
B: No .........It is actually Ana.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de marcela16
Are /they are /is / is / she's /are / you are /I'm /isn't
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