Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

1 Complete the gaps with the verbs in
the list, then answer the questions
about you. Write in your notebook.
. do .play • listen • go • have • surf
• read • watch
How often do you...
1 sport?
2 ... the Net?
5 ... shopping?
6 ... a book?
3 ... chores?
7 ... to music?
4 ... TV?
8 ... a snack?​
Urgent vă rog

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de marinamot09

How often do you..

  1. play sport?
  2. surf the Net?
  3. Go shopping?
  4. Read a book?
  5. do chores?
  6. Listen to music?
  7. Watch TV?
  8. Have a snack?

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gamerulprolabrawl: ms❤️
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