Engleza, întrebare adresată de hincuecaterina2, 8 ani în urmă

1 Complete the question tags below. Use the examples in the box to help you.
Earth is the only planet which has water, isn't it?
Most animals can't drink that quickly, can they?
Humans use vast amounts of water, don't they?

1 It isn't a very nice day today,......?
2 You haven't seen that new film already,.......?
3 Richard doesn't look very well,.....?
4 You are a fantastic swimmer,......?
5 They'll phone if they are going to be late,......?
6 You didn't tell me the truth yesterday, ....?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de andreeaiosub231


It isn't a very nice day today, is it?

You haven't seen that new film already, have you?

Richard doesn't look very well, does he?

You are a fantastic swimmer, aren't you?

They'll phone if they are going to be late, will they?

You didn't tell me the truth yesterday, did you?

Alte întrebări interesante