Engleza, întrebare adresată de anacopoi082, 8 ani în urmă

1) complete the sentences from the blog on page 35. Then complete the rule.
1. Perhaps, like ME, you _______ always ________ that travelling îs something for rich People.
2. Noe, i think i ________ wrong all this Time
3. She _______ findimg New things

RULE: Use the present perfect to talk about action that happened some Time în you life up to now
Form the present perfect with the present simple Form of ________ + past participle

Vă roggggg urgent ofer coroană


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard



1. Perhaps, like me, you've always thought that travelling is something for

rich people.

2. Now, I think I've been wrong all this time.

3. She's done a lot of different jobs.

4. So where has Nora been?

5. She hasn't stopped finding new things.



Folosim Present Perfect pentru a vorbi despre acțiuni care au avut loc în trecut și care încă nu s-au încheiat în prezent.

Forma timpului Present Perfect:

have/has + participiul trecut al verbului de conjugat

I have studied (forma prescurtată: I've studied) = am studiat (și studiez în continuare - aceasta este ideea pe care o exprimă timpul Present Perfect)

You have studied (forma prescurtată: You've studied)

He/she has studied (forma prescurtată: He's/ she's studied)

We have studied (forma prescurtată: We've studied)

You have studied (forma prescurtată: You've studied)

They have studied (forma prescurtată: They've studied)


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