Engleza, întrebare adresată de iancuc30p2ljfv, 8 ani în urmă

1 Complete the sentences using the word given. Use between two and five words.

STRATEGY POINT Read the whole sentence, then look at the key word. Think of the structure tested (e.g. passive, reported, etc). Use the given word to complete the second sentence. Use between two to five words in each gap.

1 I would prefer it if nobody answered my phone for me.
want ...I don't ...... my phone for me.

2 She forgot everything I told her.
anything ... She ....I told her.

3 I didn't know anyone at the conference. nobody ....There was ........... at the conference.

4 Mark asked me the price of a fax.
much ..Mark asked me.. to buy a fax

5 The operator asked him if he wanted any more information.
else .....The operator asked him if .....he wanted to ask.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de LadyMarmelade


1) I do not want anybody to answer my phone.

2) She does not remember anything from what I have told her.

3) There was nobody that I have known at the conference.

4) Mark asked me how much it costs to buy a fax.

5) The operator asked him if there was anything else he wanted to ask.



iancuc30p2ljfv: Ai putea sa mi explici cum se rezolva ?
LadyMarmelade: Nu există un algoritm din păcate. O să îți dai seama de rezolvarea propriu-zisă prin exercițiu repetativ.
LadyMarmelade: Oricum, trebuie să ai în vedere timpurile verbale în principiu.
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