Engleza, întrebare adresată de aursorina27, 8 ani în urmă

Complete the sentences with the present perfect
form of the verbs in brackets.
1 .... you.... the new Twilight film? (see)

2 Hector....
his injection. (have/just)

3 I ....the dog yet. (not/brush)

4 My father.....
jeans. (never/wear)

5 Kate and Sarah....
their clothes for the
school trip yet.(not/choose)

6 ....your brother....
Chinese food?
I (ever/eat)

7 They......
to Japan. (never/be)

8 Mum isn't ready. She..... her things yet

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de KittyCat1234
1. Have you seen
2. has just
3. i haven’t brushed
4. has never worn
5. haven’t chosen
6. Has your brother ever eaten
7. have never been
8. hasn’t packed
Răspuns de cactuscupantaloni


1. Have you seen the new Twiligh film?;

2. Hector has just had his injection;

3. I have not brushed the dog yet;

4. My father has never worn jeans;

5. Kate and Sarah have not chosen their clothes for the school trip yet;

6. Has you brother ever eaten chinese food?;

7. They have never went to Japan;

8.Mum isn't ready. She has not packed her things yet.


Present Perfect:

O actiune care s-a inceput in trecut si s-a terminat recent si nu se spune când s-a intâmplat (unspecified past - you don't say when).

Marcatori de timp:

ever (?); never (+ positive verb); already (+); just (+); yet (- , ?); for/since, lately/recently; the first/second... time etc...

Cum se formează:

Propoziție Pozitivă: S (subiect) + have ('ve) sau had ('s) + V (verb cu terminațiile ed, d sau forma a III al verbului)

Propoziție Negativă: S (subiect) + have ('ve) sau had ('s) + Not + V (verb cu terminațiile ed, d sau forma a III al verbului)

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