Engleza, întrebare adresată de elizaiacob18, 8 ani în urmă

1.Complete the sentences with the verbs
below in the correct form. Write in your
• have • play • listen • take • eat
1 Emily … the bus to school.
2 Tom likes … to music in his free time.
3 Charlie always … a shower every morning
before going to work.
4 Megan … video games every weekend.
5 Ben doesn’t like … at fast food restaurants.

2.Put the verbs in brackets into the present
simple or the present continuous. Write in
your notebook.
1 Fred always … (have) a shower in the morning.
2 Jessie … (not/study) at the moment.
3 Lara … (not/want) to come with us.
4 … (Rick/sleep) now?
5 Zara sometimes … (need) help with her
6 … (she/like) listening to rock music?
7 Daniel … (take) the bus to school every day.
8 We … (do) our homework at Mary’s today.
9 … (you/get up) early in the morning?
10 Sam … (tidy) his room at present.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de edden








asta este doar primul ex nu prea am timp sa fac al doilea îmi cer scuze dar sper că te-am ajutat la primul :)!

Răspuns de UnicornNMI08

am scris în paranteză cuvântul/faptul care m-a făcut să determin forma verbului

1. 1. takes(habit)

2. listening(habit)

3. has(always, every morning)

4. plays(every weekend)

5. eating(habit)

2. 1. has(always)

2. is not studying(at the moment)

3. doesn't want(ceva care cel mai probabil nu

se va schimba)

4. is Rick sleeping(now)

5. needs(sometimes)

6. does she like(ceva care cel mai probabil nu

se va schimba)

7. takes(every day)

8. are doing(today)

9. do you get up(habit)

10. is tidying(at present)

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