1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. cave,lighthouse,tomb,ruins reefs,coastline.
1 The prehistoric paintings in the ... were great.
2 When people die, they are buried in a ... 3 The USA has an Atlantic and a Pacific... 4 Merida has some of the best Roman ... in Spain.
5 Pollution is killing coral... in many seas. 6 When the sailors saw the were safe. they knew they
Răspunsuri la întrebare
1 The prehistoric paintings in the cave were great.
2 When people die, they are buried in a tomb.
3 The USA has an Atlantic and a Pacific coastline.
4 Merida has some of the best Roman ruins in Spain.
5 Pollution is killing coral reefs in many seas.
6 When the sailors saw the lighthouse, they knew they were safe.
nu stiu daca e bine
1. The prehistoric paintings in the cave were great.
2. When people die, they are buried in a tomb.
3. The USA has an Atlantic and a pacific coastline.
4. Merida has some of the best roman ruins in Spain.
5. Pollution is killing coral reefs in many seas.
6. When the sailors saw the lighthouse, they knew they were safe.
Trebuia doar să traduci cuvintele și propozițiile ca să vezi care se potrivește unde.
Traducerile sunt:
1. Picturile preistorice din peșteră au fost grozave.
2. Când oamenii mor, sunt îngropați într-un mormânt.
3. SUA are coaste cu ieșire la oceanul Pacific și una la oceanul Atlantic.
4. Merida are unele dintre are unele dintre cele mai bune ruine romane din Spania.
5. Poluarea omoară recifele de corali din multe mări.
6. Când navigatorii au văzut farul au știut că sunt în siguranță.
Curiozitate extra:
Oceanul Pacific ocupă aproape o treime din suprafața Pământului!
Sper că te-am ajutat! Succes!