Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

1.Complete the story of "Little Red Riding Hood" with a,an the or-where necessary.

Once upon ...time there was... little girl called Little Red Riding Hood who lived with her mother in ...middle of...big wood,One day,her mother asked ... girl to take ...cake and ....bottle of...juice to her grandmother.She told Little Red Riding Hood to stay on the path.
But she didn't.She stopped to pick sone flowers,and then she met...wolf.She told ...wolf that she was going to visit her grandmother.He ran off quickly to..... grandmother's cottage.... old woman let... wolf info her cottage ,and he ate her up.Then he got dressed in ....grandmother's clothes and got info bed amd waited.
When Little Red Riding Hood arrived,she knocked at...door.
'Come in', said ....wolf ,in ...voice like her grandmother's.Little red Riding Hood gava... cake and juice to ....wolf.But she noticed what ...big ears,eyes and teeth her 'grandmother' had,and .....wolf ate her,too.Then he lay down to have ....sleep.
......wooodcutter who as passing looked in throygh .....cottage window and saw....wolf asleep on....bed.
He went inside,took .....his axe and cut open wolf's shomach.Grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood jumped out and thanked ....wodcutter for saving them.

Va rog repede!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Da sau Nu?

dianaalina24: da 
dianaalina24: a, a the , a the ,the , a , a ( cred), the , the , the ,the, the , a , the , the , the , a , the , the , the , a  ,....(aici la penultima nu imi e clara propozitia), the 

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