Engleza, întrebare adresată de cazacdiana, 9 ani în urmă

1.Complete these senteces with The verbes in the correct tense.
a)if my sister (shout)at me ,I ( be.)angry.
b)If max (leave)his girfriend ,she. (not care).
c)He (get) good grades at schools if he. (study).
d)Fiona (invite) me to her hause if her parents. (let ge)her.
e)If i. (not need )the Money i. (not got )to work.

MrsAnca: la punctul d) let ge,nu stiu ce este acest ge,cred ca ai tastat gresit

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MrsAnca
a)shouts---- am
b)left-----wouldn't care
c)he'll get----he studies
d)would have invited-----had let her (ge nu stiu ce este,dar e ceva gresit)
e)didn't need------wouldn't go
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