Engleza, întrebare adresată de adybibi67, 9 ani în urmă

1.Fill the blanks with so, such or such a. Complete the sentences by adding some result.

1.Alina and Radu achieved______high results in their English classes......

2.Radu was_____impressed with the figures at Madame Tussaud s.....

3.The little boy was______terrified in the Chamber of Horrors......

4.Alina has _______nice memories of London....

5. London is_____big city.....

6.The Science Museum has____large number of exhibits.....
Trebuie sa mai continuati propozitia . Multumesc anticipat !

cristinag03: ce clasa esti
adybibi67: a 7-a
cristinag03: la ce pagina sunteti
adybibi67: 13 roman
cristinag03: nu inteleg la ce pagian sunteti
adybibi67: la pagina 3 romann
cristinag03: scuze ,dar la voi cred ca este altefel de carte
adybibi67: ce editura este a ta ?
cristinag03: tiparit in rominia

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de XQueenX
1. Alina and Radu achieved such high results in their English classes.

2. Radu was so impressed with the figures at Madame Tussaud's.

3. The little boy was so terrified in the Chamber of Horrors.

4. Alina has such nice memories of London.

5. London is such a big city.

6. The Science Museum has such a large number of exhibits.

cristinag03: fill in the words:measurements,pattern pieces,lace,gowns,nylon,to tailor,wool,cut out,silk,processing,cotton,to sew.A) Place ... ... on the fabric and ... ... the garment parts.
XQueenX: ba da, stai, îţi răspund la întrebare
adybibi67: XqueenX trebuie sa continui si propozitia
adybibi67: cu orice cuvinte
XQueenX: Alina and Radu achieved such high results in their English classes that the teacher gave them a prize.
XQueenX: Radu was so impressed with the figures at Madame Tussaud's that he never forgot the experience.
XQueenX: The little boy was so terrified in the Chamber of Horrors he started to cry.
XQueenX: Alina has such nice memories of London she always tells the same stories.
XQueenX: London is such a big city you can get lost easily.
XQueenX: The Science Museum has such a large number of exhibits it's hard to keep count.
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