Engleza, întrebare adresată de LiudmilaChirin, 9 ani în urmă

1.) If he ___ (learn) more, he ____ (pass) the exam.
2.) Ken ___ (get) a 10, If he ___(do) his homework.
3.) If he ___ (tell) them in advance, they ___ (not/be) surprised
Vă roooog
Dau coroana și 10 puncte!!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de oberinde
1. If he learns more, he will pass the exam.
2.Ken will get a 10, if he does his homework.
3.If he tells them in advance, they won't be surprised.

LiudmilaChirin: 4.) If my Sister ___ (not/win) the competiton, she __(feel) bad.
LiudmilaChirin: 5.) The doctor __ (come) earlier, If he ___ (have) a car.
LiudmilaChirin: 6.) If I ___ (practice) more, I ___ (be) better at English.
LiudmilaChirin: Cine mă ajuta da coroana
LiudmilaChirin: Vă rog
nicole85: will not win...will feel , will come ... has , will practice....will be ,
nicole85: sper sa te ajute
oberinde: Nu avem voie sa punem timpul viitor in propozitia if clause. Deci atentie!
nicole85: nici asa? if i'll practice more, I'll be better at English?
oberinde: If I practice more , I will be better at English- Daca exersez mai mult voi fi mai bun la engleza// If I practiced more I would be better at English- Daca as exersa mai mult as fi mai bun la engleza// If I had practiced more , I would have been better at English- Daca as fi exersat mai mult, as fi fost mai bun la engleza. Ti-am facut propozita cu toate cele trei tipuri de conditionala, ca sa ai un exemplu.
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