Engleza, întrebare adresată de nznzn, 7 ani în urmă

1 In March 2014, 14-year-old Za'Quan Clyburn from North Carolina, USA, was rescued .... he got trapped in mud.
2 Za'Quan was walking home with some friends. To save time, they walked across some open land ..... was being prepared for building. Za'Quan walked down a hill towards a large pool of water. He thought the ground was solid .... that he could walk across it, but it was mud. He sank into it and couldn't get out. The mud went up to his chest and then almost to his chin.
3 One of his friends called 911. Fire fighters arrived and started to work to get Za'Quan out. It took 24 people about half an hour to free him. Za'Quan was extremely cold and in shock, and his legs were very painful ..... of the pressure of the mud. An ambulance took him to hospital, ..... he was kept for two days.
4 One of the fire fighters said, 'The outcome could have been much worse,
.... fortunately he came through it OK.' The boy's mother said ..... that she was really grateful to the people who had worked so hard and risked their lives to save her son.​


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