Engleza, întrebare adresată de cioroianusofia2010, 8 ani în urmă

1. John (train) the boys' football team every Monday, but this week he ](train) the girls' team. 2. Why (you/carry) a helmet? I (go) rafting after school. 3. 1 J(hang out) with my friends every weekend, but this weekend 1 ](visit) my cousins in London. 4. Most Saturdays Nick (go) rock climbing, but this Saturday he (learn) how to paraglide. 5. (she/have) any experience with animals? Yes, she (live) on a farm. 6. Jane usually (look after) sick children, but today she prepare) a surprise party for them. 7. We often (go) shopping at the weekend, but this weekend we (study) for a test. 8. David (not/travel) abroad, but he (fly) to Spain this week. 9. What time (the train arrive)? It (arrive) at 10 pm. 10. Lisa (do) the washing-up at the moment. She (hate) it.

Sora mea mai mica nu știe ce să facă la acest exercițiu! Vă rog cineva mă poate ajuta?​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de bsblazblah


Salut! ~(˘▾˘~)


1. John trained the boys football team every Monday, but this week he trained the girls team.
2. Why did you carry a helmet? I went rafting after school.
3. I hanged out with my friends every weekend, but this weekend I visited my cousins in London.
4. Most Saturdays Nick goes rock climbing, but this Saturday he learnt how to paraglide.
5. Did she have any experience with animals?
Yes, she lives on a farm.
6. Jane usually looks after sick children, but today she prepared a surprise party for them.
7. We often went shopping at the weekend, but this weekend we studied for a test.
8. David did not travel abroad, but he flew to Spain this week.
9. What time does the train arrive?
It arrives at 10 p.m.
10. Lisa does the washing-up at the moment. She hates it.

Sper ca te-am ajutat! Spor la treaba!


alexlupu902: nu e bine scz
bsblazblah: Scuze! Daca scria si enuntul exercitii, cred ca aș da rezolvarea mai buna si corect.
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