Engleza, întrebare adresată de luca77295, 8 ani în urmă

1 Literature Charles Dickens CLIL Charles Dickens was the most popular novelist of the 1800s and he wrote a lot of books. He was born in 1812 in Portsmouth, England, and he died in 1870 while writing his final novel Dickens wrote about poor people and the title of his most famous book is Oliver Twist. The main character is a boy called Oliver, and the setting for the story is 19th-century London. The plot is about Oliver's adventures with a group of boys who live together and steal on the streets of the capital. The villains are Fagin and Bill Sikes, a terrible, violent man with a dog called Bull's Eye, Oliver Twist has a happy ending - but not for all the characters. Read and listen. Answer the question, I testne who is the main character of Charles Dickens most famous novel? Bull's Eye Fagin Oliver Twist Bill Sikes. Tranleate plz

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de biancaandreeamircea


The main character of the novel Charles Dickens is David Copperfield

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