Engleza, întrebare adresată de manolegabrielelexand, 8 ani în urmă

1 Look at Erik's diary. Complete his plans with the time expressions in the box. on Friday on Saturday morning this afternoon tomorrow morning on Saturday evening Wednesday 15 Thursday 16 Friday 17 Saturday 18 AM: English exam 10 AM swimming with Dad 5pm: basketball 7 pm: pizza 7pm. Jon's with friends party! f 1 I'm playing basketball .... 2 We're having an English exam.... 3 My friends are having pizza with me.... 4 My dad and I are going swimming .... 5 Jon is having a party ....

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de cati101

Răspuns: 1. I'm playing basketball this afternoon.

2. We're having an English exam tomorrow morning.

3. My friends are having pizza with me on Friday.

4. My dad and I are going swimming on Saturday morning.

5. Jon is having a party on Saturday evening.

Explicație: Prima zi din programul lui Erik este miercuri. Astfel, ne dăm seama ca joi este ziua in care Erik are examen la engleza. Celelalte propozitii se completeaza cu expresiile de timp scrise in tabel.

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