Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexandrastogos53, 8 ani în urmă

1 puneți verbele din paranteză la Past Simple 1) You ............ (arrive) late for the Math lesson last Monday 2) We ................ (have) lunch at 1200 yestuday 3 ) ............ She .................. (Write) a blog last night? 4) Mabile phanes ............ ............ ( not exist) in the 60!​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de lucadenisbancu


arrived, had, wrote, did not exist.


verb infinitiv + ed

verbe neregulate/tabel/ forma 2

Răspuns de giuliaraisa112


1) You ....arrived........ (arrive) late for the Math lesson last Monday .

2) We .....had........... (have) lunch at 1200 yestuday .

3 ) She .....wrote............. (Write) a blog last night?

4) Mabile phanes ...........did not exist............ ( not exist) in the 60!​

Sper ca este de ajutor!

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