Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

1. Put in the verbs in brackets in Simple Present or Present Progressive
1)Andy sometimes __________comics (to read)
2)We never _____________ TV in the morning (to watch)
3)Listen! Sandy___________ in the bathroom (to sing )
4) My sister usually ___________in the kitchen (to help)
5)My mother __________ brakfast now ( to make)
6) They often ____________the bathroom (to clean )
7.Look! The boys _______-home (to come)
8.Every day his grandfather _________for a walk (to go)
9. I _________ with my friend at the moment (to chat)
10. Cats_______ mice(to eat).
11.It's seven o 'clock and they________to school now (go)
12.Mrs Cooper ___________in the restaurant every Sunday (eat)
13.Our cat never__________ on the kitchen table (jump)
14.Look! The men _______blue uniforms (wear)
15.Curt always __________gus guitar in the afternoon (play)
16. The taxi __________ for them at the moment (wait)
17.He always ___________ his grandmother in the coat (help)
18. They never____________very much (eat)
19Listen!Bill_____ his electric guitar (play)
20. He ________ his car every Sunday

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de cutegiftfromGod
1. reads
2. watch
3.is singing
4. helps
5. is making
6. clean
7. are coming
8. goes
9. am chatting
10. eat
11. are going
12. eats
13. jumps
14. are wearing
15. plays
16.is waiting
17.  helps
19. is playing
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