Engleza, întrebare adresată de fmacafei, 9 ani în urmă

1. Put the sentences into the correct order to summarise the story.
Exemplu: 1-b Tom stars work at the Cliff Hotel in Newquay.

a) Nicola meets Tom and Louise.
b)Tom stars work at the Cliff Hotel in Newquay.
c)Nicola leaves London.
d) Nicola meets Jake at the bus stop near the station.
e)Nicola arrives at the hotel and meets her aunt.
f) Nicola has an unpleasant journey to Cornwall
2. Listen and repeat .
It could have been worse .
Here's [your coffee] .
Oh , look , there's [Louise]!
See you later .
Bye! Nice to meet you .
Comme and meet [my niece , Nicola] .
Ajutati-ma va rog la aceste 2 exercitii , imi trebuiesc urgent !

fmacafei: Dar imi rezolvi problemele ?
WizKid: ti'l fac asa.
fmacafei: Ok
fmacafei: Stii tu textul ?
WizKid: nu..dar zi titlul macar, poate il gasesc pe google
WizKid: la ala cu listen and repeat n'ai ce-i face, doar sa il citesti, eventual sa il copiezi...
fmacafei: pai il scriu textul aici ca nu este lung
WizKid: oke.
fmacafei: Lynn:So,Nycola ,how was your journey ?
Nicola:It was pretty bad but in could have been worse.
Tom:Here's your coffee,Mrs Tremayne.
Lynn:Thanks,Tom.Nicola,this is Tom.He's at Newquay High School.He's got a summer job at the hotel , too.He started a week ago.
Tom:Hi!What time did you arrive ?
Nicola:About two hours ago.
Lynn:Oh,Look,there's Louise!She's staying here with her parents . I think she's a bit lonely .
Tom:I must serve coffee to the other guests.See you later,Nicola.
fmacafei: Nicola:Ok,Bye,Tom! Nice to meet you.
Lunn:Louise!Come and meet my niece,Nicola!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de WizKid
1.b)Tom stars work at the Cliff Hotel in Newquay
2.c)Nicola leaves London.
3.f) Nicola has an unpleasant journey to Cornwall 
4.d) Nicola meets Jake at the bus stop near the station.
5.e)Nicola arrives at the hotel and meets her aunt.
6.a) Nicola meets Tom and Louise.
deci, cred ca trebuie doar sa il copiezi pe caiet.

WizKid: ..e un exemplu...oricum textul ce mi l-ai dat e partea a 2 a mai e ceva cu un autobuz...
fmacafei: In carte este doar asta
WizKid: ..SAU daca zici tu, pune-o pe b prima, si pastreaza ordinea, iti fac edit?
fmacafei: Da
WizKid: ok. imdediat
WizKid: gata.
fmacafei: Multumesc
fmacafei: Mi-l poti traduce , daca vrei ?
WizKid: ce sa traduc exercitiul?
fmacafei: Da
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