Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

1 Read the dialogue about New Lanark,
a famous Scottish school of the past. Choose
the correct answer.
Guide And this was the classroom for the
workers' children. When it rained the
pupils!_ their lessons in here.
Tourist And when it was sunny?
Guide They? outside into the garden,
Tourist The chairs don't look very comfortable!
Guide No, they weren't. But the pupils
around a lot of the time. The
man who4_the school, Robert
Owen, that children
best by playing, not by reading books,
Tourist _there a school uniform?
Guide Yes. The children alle w hite
Tourist Really? Oh! Is this a crocodile?
Guide Yes, it is. One of Owen's friends
it from Africa and it to the
school. The children"_ with it to
learn about African animals.
0 A rains
1 A have
2 A goes
3 A move
4 A starts
5 A thinked
6 A learned
7 Ais
8 A wore
9 A bringed
10 A gives
11 A played
B rain
B had
B went
B moved
B start
B thought
B learns
B was
B weared
B brought
B gived
B play
C go
C moves
C started
C learning
C wear
C bring
C gave
C plaied​

Damaya: la 0 e deja completat ?
Utilizator anonim: da incepe de la 1
Damaya: imi poti spune pe unde sunt spatille de la 5 la 10 ? zi-mi cuvantul din fata spatiului
Utilizator anonim: . owen5...., that children 6....
Utilizator anonim: books7
Utilizator anonim: all 8
Utilizator anonim: friends 9 ..
Utilizator anonim: and 10..
Utilizator anonim: the children 11....
Damaya: gata, le-am faxut pe toate. da refresh si o sa le vezi

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Damaya

1 B had

2 B

3 B

4 C

5 B

6 A

7 B

8 A

9 B

10 C

11 A

Utilizator anonim: multumesc
Damaya: cu placere !
Utilizator anonim: ms
Utilizator anonim: miai raspuns la toate multumesc mult
Utilizator anonim: msssss!!!!!!!
Utilizator anonim: ce mai faci
Utilizator anonim: te uiti la show si asa pe antena 1!!!!!
Utilizator anonim: ai timp sa vorbesti
Utilizator anonim: nb
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