Engleza, întrebare adresată de Adriana123456789011, 7 ani în urmă

1.Rewrite each comment,
beginning as shown.
a) Supposing you had wings, what would you do?
What would xou de.ifvou had wings?.
b) Why don't you leave now? That's what I'd do.
c) Imagine you lived on Mars. How would you feel?
d) I think you should buy a bike. That's what I'd do.
e) Imagine you were rich. What would you do?
f) Supposing Jim came with us, what would you say?
§) Why don't you take the bus. That's what I'd do.
h) Imagine you owned a robot. What would you do?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de TurtaDulcePonei
A) if I would had wings, I would definitely try them out.
B) because I like it here
C) It would be so cool to live on mars. I would feel so different s.
D) That’s awesome !
E) if I would be rich i would buy plenty of stuff!

Adriana123456789011: MULTUMESC❤️
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