Engleza, întrebare adresată de larisaurziceanu, 8 ani în urmă

1 Say the complete sentences. 1 Are there ... parks in your town? Yes there are ... parks. 2 Are there ... biscuits in the box? No, there aren't ... biscuits. 3 Is there ... fish in this salad? Yes, there is ... fish in it. 4 Is there ... juice in the fridge? No, there isn't ... juice.dau coroana​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de maiancpm
1 any, some
2 any, any
3 any,some
4 any, any

cred ca așa e..
Răspuns de SlattNation


1. any, some

2. any, any

3. any, some

4. any, any


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