Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

*1.Scrieți 5 Propozitii Legate De Orarul Vostru Obisnuit.
2.Cateva Activiati De Timp Liber.
3.Traduceti Urmat Propoziții;

A)Ma Gandesc Să Cumpăr Un Calculator Nou.
B)Intodeauna Tom Este Enervant La (Present Continlus Vă Rog).
C)Autobuzul Meu Pleacă In Fiecare Dimineață La Ora 7:30 La Past Simple Vă Rog.
D)Se Face Din Ce În Ce Mai Frig.*

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de robvt
1. Today I have math and english.
Tommorow I'll have biology and french.
Yesterday I had english and geography.
I would like to have english and math in different days.
I would hate to have math and french in the same day.
2. Playing with friends, reading, drawing and colouring, playing games, watching TV, helping mom cook.
A) I'm thinking to buy a new computer.
B) Always, Tom was annoying.
C) The bus leaves every morning at 7 30 AM.
D) It is much and much colder.

robvt: mersi de coroana!!
Utilizator anonim: *Cp.*
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