Engleza, întrebare adresată de Pevy23, 8 ani în urmă

1.Since he became Mayor, my brother reckons that he (eat) 30 official lunches and 22 official dinners; and he (lose) count of the number of receptions and parties that he (attend).

2. As a child she ....... playing with dolls.
was enjoying
has enjoyed
has been enjoying

3. I was ill last year and for two weeks I ...... my room.
hadn't left
haven't left
didn't leave
didn't left

4.Dear Conny, My friends and I (suffer) a good deal lately from the noise made by your lessons and especially your students when they (leave) your house on Saturday nights. They (stand) in the street, (laugh) loudly and (call) goodbye to you and to each other. Then they (get) into their cars, (bang) the doors loudly, and finally they (reverse) their cars on the road. This (sound) a fairly simple manoeuvre, but there is always at least one of your students who (find) it almost beyond him - whether because he (have) too much to learn. By the time all your students (go) and the road is quiet again, my family (all / be) wakened up, and the children often (find) it very hard to get to sleep again. I (be) very grateful if you (ask) your students to leave more quietly. Yours sincerely,Mr Nobody

5. We ........ when we were in a summer camp.
were meeting
have met

6. Conny: You (phone) for ages. You not nearly (finish)? Emmy: I (not get) through yet. I (try) to get our Paris office but the line (be) engaged all morning.

7. I ...... school in 1999.
have finished
was finishing
had finished

8. How long ago ....... the last war?
has been

9.When I was a child I .....chase cats..
use to
was using
used to
10.I ........ sorry that I had hurt him.
had been
have been
11.Oliver ............ twenty miles that day.
was walking
has walked
had been walking
12.You .....about the bush for days. You'd better stop now and tell me truth
are beating
beat around
had been beating
have been beating

13.They last ......each other when they were students.
have seen
were seeing
14.I...... my thumb while trying to slice some onion for the soup. What .... I should do?
cut / you think
was cutting / are you thinking
have cut / did you think
cut / do you think
15.She told me his name after he ......
was leaving
had left
16.I...... one like it a month ago
has bought
17.They thanked me for what I .........
have done
had done

18.Dear Commission of admittance, I am writing this letter full of worry because I still have no reply from you. I (write) to you two weeks ago, (ask) about conditions of entry into your college. You (reply), (enclose) an entry form, which I (fill up) and (return) without delay. Since then, however, I (hear) nothing and I (begin) to wonder if my application (go) astray. you please (check) that you (receive) it and if you haven't, please send me another application form. If, on the other hand, you (receive) my application but (not decide) whether to accept me as a student or not, I (be) very grateful if you (tell) me when I may expect to hear your decision. Finally, if my application (already / be) refused, I (like) to be informed as soon as possible because if I (not get) into your college, I (have) to apply to another and the sooner I (do) this, the better chance I (have) of being accepted. Yours sincerely, Conny Doro

19.Many students want to go to the mall on their free time; only a minority ...... to read books now.
is wanting
are want
will want
20.Conny (collect) stamps ever since she left school. Now she (collect) so many that she (not to know) where to put them.

21.The police (not find) the murderer yet, but the dead man's brother (be) in the station all day. the police say that he (help) them with their enquiries.

22.When I saw her she .......... a blue dress.
was wearing
used to wear
23.Conny (fail) her driving test three times because she's so bad at reversing. But she (practise) reversing for the last week and I think she (get) a bit better at it.

24.Dear Baby, I (just / hear) that my father suddenly (be) taken ill, and I (like) to go and see how he is. The trouble is I can't take my dog Rex with me. (you / think) you (possibly / be able) look after him for a week? You (have) him for a week last year, and you (say) he (be) no trouble, and (get) on well with your dog. He (have) his own bed and bowl. hope you can help me. Love,Conny

25.Columbus ......... America more than 400 years ago.
has discovered
was discovering
26.We always ...... our best when we were working.

were doing

Plsss e urgent

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de daria3188


1. a) was eating

b) lost

c) attended

2. enjoyed

3.didn't leave

5 a) suffered

b) leave

c) stand

d) laugh

e) call

f) get

g) banging

h) reversing

i) sound

j) find

k) has

l) go

) all

) find

) be

) ask

6. have met

7. phoning


did not get

am trying

was being

8. finished

9.used to

10. am

11. has walked

12. are beating

13. cut / di you think

14. left

15. bought

16.had done

17.is wanting

19. collect's


dose not know

20. did not find

was being


21. used to wear

22. failed



23 has descovered

24 done

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