Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

1. The moux ( to hide ) while to eat ( to watch ).

2. I ( to tell ) him he chould not read while he ( to eat ).

3. He ( to run ) in the street when he ( to foll ) and ( to break ) his leg.

4. She ( not to like ) to play while others ( to work ).

5. When I ( to get up ) this morning it ( to be ) so late that the sun ( to shine ) high in the oky.

6. I ( to feel ) ill when you ( to come ) to see me, but I ( to fell ) better when you ( to leave ) .

7. The ( not to see ) me as he ( to read ) a book when I ( to come ) into the room.

8. I ( to shout ) to him to stop, but ot the moment he ( to run ) too fast to hear.

Ajutati-ma! Va rog!

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Răspuns de Bricolibri


The mice hides while he eats to not be watched

I told him he could not read while eating

He runed in the street when he fell and broke his leg

Hse doesnt like to play with others while working

When I got up this morning it was os late that the sun shined high in the sky

I fell ill when you came overt to see me

,but I feel better when you leaved.

TheyDidn't see me when I red a book when I came into the room

I shouted to him to stop but at the moment he runed too fast to hear

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