Engleza, întrebare adresată de alinacos2005, 9 ani în urmă

1 There are spelling mistakes
in some of these sentences. Find
the mistakes and correct them.
0 If you buy more than two
products in this range, you get a
25% descount
1 The logo for the sporting goods
company Nike is a tick.
2 Sports Clubwear lounched their
spring collection at a huge street
party in London
3 Coca-Cola has always been
famous for its expensive
advertising campains.
4 Our teacher sent a letter of
complaint to the Consummer
Protection Authority.
5 My cousin Michael used to work
for an advertising agency.
6 Film director, Ridley Scott, has
also directed over 2000
7 Have you seen the latest Sony
commercial? It's really good.
Ajutati-ma va rog!!! Am nevoie urgenta de acest exercițiu!​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de DidiDaria117


0. from this range

1.from the sporting goods



4.comsumer protection

5.My cousin,Michael, ...



DidiDaria117: *campaigns
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