1. Traduceți următoarele unităţi frazeologice: ab initio= ars poetica= audiatur et altera pars= de gustibus non disputandum= de profundis= errare humanum est- fortuna labilis= imago mundi= memento mori= sic transit gloria mundi= verba volant, scripta manent= ibidem= alibi= festina lente= sine qua non= de facto= de iure= de visu= do ut des= honeste vivere= hic et nunc= in extremis= ipso facto= manu militari= Fisă de lucru torul rebus:

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Traduceți următoarele unităţi frazeologice: ab initio= ars poetica= audiatur et altera pars= de gustibus non disputandum= de profundis= errare humanum est- fortuna labilis= imago mundi= memento mori= sic transit gloria mundi= verba volant, scripta manent= ibidem= alibi= festina lente= sine qua non= de facto= de iure= de visu= do ut des= honeste vivere= hic et nunc= in extremis= ipso facto= manu militari= Fisă de lucru torul rebus:
ab initio - from the beginning
ars poetica - the art of poetry
audiatur et altera pars - let the other side be heard as well
de gustibus non disputandum - there is no disputing over taste
de profundis - from the depths
errare humanum est - to err is human
fortuna labilis - unstable fortune
imago mundi - image of the world
memento mori - remember that you will die
sic transit gloria mundi - thus passes the glory of the world
verba volant, scripta manent - words fly, writings remain
ibidem - in the same place
alibi - elsewhere
festina lente - hurry slowly
sine qua non - essential
de facto - in fact
de iure - by law
de visu - by sight
do ut des - I give so that you will give
honeste vivere - to live honestly
hic et nunc - here and now
in extremis - in extreme circumstances
ipso facto - by that very fact
manu militari - by military force
sper ca te-am ajutat!