Engleza, întrebare adresată de MascariciMimi, 9 ani în urmă

1)Underline the correct form of the verb.

-Uncle Tim cut/was cutting the grass when he saw/was seeing a snake.
-We shopped/were shopping for Chrismas presents when we met/werw meeting Sandra.
-I swam/was swimming while the children played/were playing in the hot, golden sand.
-We felt/were feeling a strange presence behind but we didn`t turn/weren`t turning back.

2)Put the verbs in the brackets into the Past Simple or Past Continuous.
-I ........ (see) an old man ....... (nod) by the fire.
-Angela ........(drive) her car when the rain ......(start).
-The war .......(be) over so the army ........(withdraw) from the battlefield.
-A lot of steam ........(rise) from the teapot.
-The streets .........(be) crowded as the holydaymakers ......... (leave) in great numbers.
-Sheep and goats .........(graze) pacefully in the fields around the village.
-We .........(can/not) see the direction in which the river (flow) becouse of the thick fog.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ally22023002
-was cutting/saw
-were shopping/met
-swam/sere playing
-were feeling/ didnt turn

MascariciMimi: Mersi mult, Sunt varza la engleza...
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