Engleza, întrebare adresată de ionplesca63, 8 ani în urmă

1 Unscramble the dialogue. Read it.
Hello, I'm Tina.
What's your name?
Hello, I'm Jim.
Glad to meet you.
Where are you
I'm from
from, Jim ?
Glad to meet
you, too.
Write the physical description of one of your classmates. Do not write who he/she
Read your description to the class. Your classmates will guess the pupil's name.
Say who doen​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de valentinroman2709


Hello, I'm Tina. What's your name?

Hello, I'm Jim. Glad to meet you.

Where are you from, Jim ?

Glad to meet  you, too.

I'm from  Cambridge.


valentinroman2709: scuze
valentinroman2709: am gresit
valentinroman2709: Hello, I'm Tina. What's your name?
Hello, I'm Jim. Glad to meet you.
valentinroman2709: Glad to meet you, too.
ionplesca63: MULTUMESC
valentinroman2709: Where are you from, Jim ?
valentinroman2709: I'm from Cambridge.
valentinroman2709: asa era
ionplesca63: ok
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