Engleza, întrebare adresată de Andrey85, 10 ani în urmă

1.Va scrie daca va avea timp.
2.Tom imi va da banii de indata ce-i va avea.
3.Se face frig.
4.Ei vor pleca la Londra maine.
5.Meciul de fotbal va incepe in doua saptamani.
6.Saptamana aceasta ei stau in Bucuresti.
7.Ea va cumpara rochia daca va avea bani.
8.El deobicei bea ceai dar astazi bea cafea.
9.El intotdeauna sparge aceasi fereastra.
10.Joaca el uneori tenis?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de coralia2
He will write if he has time.
tom will give me the money when he has it.
it's getting colder.
they are going to London tomorrow.
the football game is starting in 2 weeks.
they're staying in Bucharest this week.
she will buy this dress if she has money.
he usually drinks tea, but today he drinks coffee.
he always breaks the same window.
does he sometimes play tennis?
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