Engleza, întrebare adresată de sebialin2003, 9 ani în urmă

1.we turned round today and started to descend to Jomsom.As we went down,the oxygen filled our blood again and we seemed to be flying instead of walking
2.We went back to Pokhara is small plane yesterday,retracingin a few minutes the journey wich took sic days to walk.It was exciting when we flwe between the mountain peaks .We arrived in Katmandu this afternoon and we ve spent our last few hours shopping.We leave for England tomorrow.We ve had the trip of a lifetime,and Ive used five rolls of film.

smyrobert: Ai dat textul nu si cerinta

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de smyrobert
1)Ne-am intors si am inceput sa coboram spre jomsom.In timp ce coboram puteam simti cum oxigenul ne depresurizeaza singele si ne simteam de parca am fi zburat inloc sa mergem.
2)Am ajuns ieri cu avion micut in Pokhara, lenevind cateva minute dupa aventura ce a durat 6 zile. A fost uimitor sa zburam printre varfurile muntilor escaladati. Dupa ce am ajuns in katmandu ne-am petrecut dimineata comparandune diverse lucruri. Plecat catre Anglia maine. Am avut vacanta vietii si am folosit 5 role de film

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