Engleza, întrebare adresată de necunoscut25, 8 ani în urmă

1. What did happen to your friend last week? 2. Which of your two bicycles you ride in town and which outside? 3. Who left the party last? 4. Who does she always prepare her lessons with? 5. Who did tell you about the festival? 6. Which novel did you like best? 7. What did make you believe she would give you the money back? 8. How many books you have to read for your Romanian class till next week?

sa le corectați, e urgent ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Soclu

1. What did happen to your friend last week?

2. Which of your two bicycles do you ride in town and which outside?

3. Who left the party last?

4. Who does she always prepare her lessons with?

5. Who did tell you about the festival?

6. Which novel did you like best?

7. What did make you believe she would give you the money back?

8. How many books do you have to read for your Romanian class till next week?

Răspuns de marrynna

1. What happened to your friend last week?

2. Which of your two bicycles are you riding in town and which outside?

3. nu știu

4. Who is she always preparing her lessons with?

5. Who told you about the festival?

6. nu știu

7. What made you believe she would give you the money back?

8. How many books do you have to read for your Romanian class till next week?

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