Engleza, întrebare adresată de gorockstar, 8 ani în urmă

1. What two options exist if we want to eat apples in the summer in the UK?
2. Which of the two options does the writer think is preferable and why?
3. Why is it a good idea to buy Spanish, not British, tomatoes in the UK in the winter?
4. Apart from environmental reasons, why does the writer suggest that buying fruit from countries like Africa is a good idea? 5. What is the writer's conclusion about food miles?​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de deeaizabarbulescu


1. In the Uk if you want to eat apples in the summer you need to freeze them for a whole year or to import them from New Zealand.

2. The writer thinks that it is preferable to import apples from other countries because it would take a lot of energy to freeze them for 10 moths and it would be bad for the environment.

3. Buying Spanish tomatoes is a better idea than buying British tomatoes because their weather is better than the British one.

4. The writer suggests to buy fruit from other countries because one million African workers depend on the fruit they sell to the UK.

5. The writers opinion on food miles is that they're not ideal but they are better than the alternative.

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