Engleza, întrebare adresată de fifidiu, 9 ani în urmă

1.Why did Rachel want to go to the festival?
2.What did her parents think of idea?
3.What made them change their minds?
4.What did Rachel's mother talk to her about?
5.Why was IT difficult for Rachel to phone her father?
6.Apart from listening to music, how did Rachel and her friends spend Most of the time?
7.Sere there only English people at the festival?
8.Why didn't Rachel feel the festival was dangerous?
ajutor va rog frumos!!!e urgentttttttt:((((((((((((((

fifidiu: stai ca il scriu aici ok!
fifidiu: scriu aici?
ionelaeco: scri unde vrei
ionelaeco: dar grabestete
fifidiu: ok
fifidiu: when 16-years-old Rachel Pointer saw the advertisement for the Glastonbury pop festival, she really wanted to go.
ionelaeco: asa se numeste textul?
fifidiu: my friends Sally and Jacky had been to the festival the year before.They said it was great and they really wanted to go again.The trouble was Dad didn't want me to go so I asked Mum to talk to him.Actually, I don't think that either of my parents were very happy about it but they changed their minds when I told them that my cousin Rob, who is 21, was me about the sort of things that can happen at pop festivals and I told her not to worry.
fifidiu: nu textul se numește FIRST TIME AT A FESTIVAL
ionelaeco: iti pot traduce intrebarile ca sa le intelegi si faci tu raspunsurile

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ionelaeco
1.Rachel wants to go to the festival because he's friends said it was great.
2.He's Dad didn't want to go but Mum talk with him and then they was happy that he can go to the festival
3.Their changes was when he was talking about his cousin Rob.

ionelaeco: daca nu imi dai tot textul nu te pot ajuta
ionelaeco: doar daca imi dai si continuarea iti spun mai departe
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