Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

1 Work with other students. Look at the
phrasal verbs (in italics) in the story above. Look
at the context and discuss their possible meanings.
Then match each verb to one of the meanings
1 to escape punishment
2 to come from behind and reach the same point as
something or someone else
3 to find a solution to a problem
4 finally to start doing something you have to do
5 to replace what is lost or missing
6 to pretend
7 to continue doing something
8 to tolerate


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Estela00

1 to escape punishment = to get away

2 to come from behind and reach the same point as

something or someone else = to catch up with

3 to find a solution to a problem = to work out

4 finally to start doing something you have to do = to get down to

5 to replace what is lost or missing = make up for

6 to pretend = to make out

7 to continue doing something = to carry on

8 to tolerate = to put up with

Estela00: Am apasat din greseala pe postare... editez
Utilizator anonim: Mersi fain, Estela!
HermioneGranger05: thanks!
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