Engleza, întrebare adresată de DeBwos, 9 ani în urmă

1)Write sentences using look/sound or look /sound like or look/sound as if and the word in brackets. 1)You've got red eyes.(tired) 2) She's got a very quiet voice. (shy) 3)He's got big feet.(police officer) 4)I can hear something outside the front door.(cat) 5) Our neighbours are very noisy .(dance) 6)He's reading a book. (work)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Giigii
1) you look like you're tired.
2) it looks like she's shy.
 3) it looks like he's a police officer.
 5) it sounds as if they're dancing.
6) it looks like he's working.

Giigii: Aha
Giigii: Scrie atunci:she sounds shy
Giigii: Se potriveste si asa
DeBwos: In rest e tot bne ,asa-i?
Giigii: Da.90%
DeBwos: mz oricum
DeBwos: hai ca ies bft la teme si la raspuns
Giigii: Cu mare plãcere!baftã!
Giigii: Pa
DeBwos: pa
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