Engleza, întrebare adresată de stefandaniela747, 8 ani în urmă

Write the 3rd person singular of the verbs:
1) I join – he joins
2) I buy – he
3) I talk - she
4) I like - he
5) I watch - she
6) igo - she
7) I cry – he
8) I make – he
9) I miss - she
10) touch - he
11) I try - He
12) I pay - she​

TheAno: Regula generala pentru persoana a III-a singular consta in adaugarea sufixului "-s".
stefandaniela747: multumesc
TheAno: 1 - he joins; 2 - he buyes 3- she talks 4- he likes; 5- she watches; 6- she goes ; 7- he cries; 8- he makes; 9- she misses; 10- he touches; 11- he tries; 12- she pays
TheAno: 2- buys*, greseala mea

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de 1234alexandra

2) he buys

3) she talks

4) he likes

5) she watches

6) she goes

7) he cries

8) he makes

9) she misses

10) he touches

11) he tries

12) she pays

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