Engleza, întrebare adresată de catalinasiscanu, 9 ani în urmă

1. -you've got a post-card.
-who is it _____________?
a) at b) from c) about d) with
2. in Alan's absence his model was happy to have _________ rest on a bench.
a) some b) any c)no d) not any
3. is that collection ______________?No, it isn't ___________.
a) my/your b) yours/mine c) their/mine d)mine/her

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Tofcar
1 b) from
2. a) some
3.a (your) si b (mine) ''Is that your collection ? No,it isn't mine.''
Răspuns de Geta1955
1. Who is it from? b)
2. In Alan's absence his model was happy to have some rest on a bench. a)
3. Is that collection yours? No, it isn't mine. b)
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