Engleza, întrebare adresată de anonimutza99, 10 ani în urmă

10 caracteristici/calitati  si 10 dezavantaje ale unui produs !!! Va roog =) !!! 

anonimutza99: Ok :) ^^
acsuletz: Inca o intrebare, apoi iti scriu complet raspunsul mai jos. Ai nevoie de paragraf despre avantaje/dezavantaje, sau vrei pe doua coloane, cu enumerare?
anonimutza99: Enumerare.cum o fi..numai sa fie acolo..:)
acsuletz: The smartphone is useful because: (1) it keeps users connected, (2) it is user-friendly, (3) it allows the user to access the internet, (4) it has a photo camera; (5) it has an optimal size, (6) it can help you with maps and navigation; (7) it can wake you up with an alarm clock; (8) it can play music; (9) it can entertain the user with games; (10) it can keep you social by social networking.
acsuletz: Urmeaza dezavantajele.
anonimutza99: Multumeesc ^^
acsuletz: (10) it can keep the user social, by social networking.
acsuletz: ... poti sa folosesti "you" in loc de "the user". Poti sa alegi, in functie de cum crezi ca e mai bine.
anonimutza99: Ok.Am inteles.. :)
anonimutza99: si dezavantajele..? ^_^

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de acsuletz
The smartphone may be harmful because: (1) it sends radiation very close to your body; (2) it can be stressful when too many people call you; (3) it may replace face-to-face interaction; (4) it is linked to your bank account and it can be accessed by a hacker; (5) it contains a lot of personal data; (6) it can be stolen from you, because it is valuable; (7) it can receive aggressive messages from strangers; (8) it can get you addicted to games; (9) it can make you too confident in technology; (10) it sometimes has hidden costs. The smartphone is useful because: (1) it keeps you connected, (2) it is user-friendly, (3) it allows you to access the internet, (4) it has a photo camera; (5) it has an optimal size, (6) it can help you with maps and navigation; (7) it can wake you up with an alarm clock; (8) it can play music; (9) it can entertain you with games; (10) it can keep you social by social networking.

anonimutza99: Ok. ^^
anonimutza99: Nici eu nu va gasesc..eu am o poza in care mi se vede capul pana la misloc aproape..am facut poza cu camera de la laptop...ma gasiti?
acsuletz: Life is beautiful? Ai asa ceva in spate, la profil?
anonimutza99: Da. :)
acsuletz: Frumos. Capat prieteni noi pe Facebook. Nici nu ma asteptam, cand am intrat pe Brainly. E grozav :)
acsuletz: Daca iti este de folos, evalueaza-l ca "Cel mai bun raspuns". Ma ajuti sa devin "Maestru".
anonimutza99: Gata ^^
acsuletz: Iti multumesc, E*****. Iti pastrez anonimatul :)
anonimutza99: Nu-i nevoie..:) A fost un nume pus la nimereala..:D ^^ Spuneti-mi cum vreti. :)
anonimutza99: Ma puteti ajuta la ce am postat mai devreme ,va rog? :) ^^ Aia cu reclama..^^
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