Engleza, întrebare adresată de Topaz, 8 ani în urmă

10. Fill in the gaps with the right form of the verb. Say what Paul did wrong. Paul didn't want to go to the gym. He lied to his teacher that he (fall). He said he couldn't walk. The teacher was worried. She called a doctor. The doctor asked Paul what (happen). Paul said that he (hurt) his leg. The doctor took Paul to hospital. Paul was sorry he (lie). His classmates (go) home while he was still in hospital. After that incident he went to all his sports classes.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de sabina252
….. He lied to his teacher that he *fell*…. The doctor asked Paul what*happened*. Paul said that he *hurt* his leg….. Paul was sorry he *lied*. His classmates *went* home while he was still in hospital.….

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