Engleza, întrebare adresată de elena5776, 8 ani în urmă

10 ideas for a healthier lifestyle. va rog mult doar o listă!!! <3​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Emillian


-Start a hobby

-Do sports

-Eat fruits and vegetables

-Eat fish and grilled meat

-Avoid crowded areas full of noise

-Give up on the dangerous vices

-Do meditation and relaxing sessions

-Smile and be happy

-Avoid people with bad influnce and find loial friends

-Sleep well and rest when needed

Răspuns de alessiabriscoi

1.Eat healthy food.

2.Drink plenty of water.

3.Do sport everyday.

4.Do not smoke.

5.Dont drink alcohol.

6.Do not stay on your phone,laptop,computer,etc too much.

7.Make a lot of friends.

8.Smile a lot.<3

9.Read at least 30 minutes everyday:

10.Be yourself.<3

Sper ca te-am ajutat ca am stat jumatate e ora sa ma gandesc.

Spor la teme.<3

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