Engleza, întrebare adresată de stoicadavid196, 8 ani în urmă

10* Look at the pictures of Jack and his family and complete the
sentences with the correct family member.
Hi, my name is Jack and this is my family. The young
woman is my 1)
Julie and
the man behind her is my 2).
Mark. The little girl is my 3)
Rebecca. The older woman
man is my 5)
In this picture, you can see my mum's 6)
He's my favourite 7).
His 8)
They have got a 9)
is Vicky.
Frank and a
Louisa. They are my only
That's why when my mum says that Frank
and Louisa are her favourite 12)
we laugh. I love my family very much.
holding me is my
Tracy, and the older
, Greg.

oliviansidarius2008: o imagine cu exercitiul,te rog

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de godot69


1) mother

2) father

3) younger sister

4) is my grandmother

5) grandfather

6) brother

7) uncle

8) wife

9) kid

10*) named sau his name is

11) Dave

12) cousins

13) ?


10 - depinde cum este scris, daca scrie "he is ____ Dave" atunci e named, daca e "_____ Dave" atunci este his name is :)

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